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“Nothing happens in business until something gets sold,” said Thomas Watson, the visionary CEO of IBM. In today’s market, this is truer than ever. Every dollar in your sales and marketing budget is under scrutiny. Essential tools like CRM systems, marketing automation, video email, and property tracking are crucial but often come with high costs and hassles. But what if there was a better way? Imagine having...

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Do you know what managers say are their number one issue? (You'll have to watch my daughter's video to find out!)If you want to learn exactly how you can apply those factors in your community and company, click the link to book a one-on-one Executive Strategy Session with me.  And I'll see you on the other side.Here to help you get more move-ins faster, more affordably, and with less manual...

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It's not because they make the best burgers.  Or even the best fries (although some may debate that!) I submit to you that McDonalds is the biggest food chain in the world partly because they have NAILED their processes. Case in point:  McDonalds Fries No matter where you go in the world, night or day, no matter what language they speak…McDonalds fries are always the same.  They are...

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Are you tired of the grind, always looking for ways to work smarter, not harder? Let's face it, manual processes can be a real drain on your time, your wallet, your efficiency, and your sanity! But what if I told you there's a way out? Imagine how marketing and sales automation could give you back precious time, supercharge your productivity, boost your conversion rates, and ease the...

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I am arguably the hardest person on the planet to sell to.  Like your prospect, I'm busy, self-focused, and skeptical.  And…most importantly I don't want to be sold to.  I want what I want.  There are all kinds of clever, new, and rehashed sales strategies out there.  But with all due respect, honestly, many don't work.  Here's a few of my "don't’s" and why.  Don't use the...

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The results are in! If you’ve been thinking about how to increase your efficiency while maximizing your existing resources, you’re not alone! Slack recently did a survey asking 2,000 business leaders about their plans and focus for 2024. They found that 40% believe 2024 is a “make or break” year for their business. Business leaders today face uncertainties and resource challenges that must be dealt with. But they...

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If you know me, you know I love to cook.  Hummus, baba ganoush, tabbouleh, grape leaves, leban…are all some of my favorite middle eastern dishes.  But I also love bougie meals like Fire Roasted Creamy Tomato Florentine with Shrimp and Cranberry Chicken Royale.  (Are you getting hungry, too?)  As a result, I “collect” all kinds of spices, kitchen gadgets and appliances to make these delicacies. In...

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What is the one thing – that if you solved it – would make everything else easier or even unnecessary? That was a question asked me by my business coach, Mark Keene, several years ago.  And it has haunted me ever since. In different seasons of life.  In different areas of life.  The answer changes. Maybe fixing your relationship with a parent would be life changing. Maybe addressing a...

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This year went crazy fast for me.   But one of the highlights was the Unfair Advantage podcast/video series where we explore strategies, insights, and methodologies to give you an unfair advantage.I had high expectations for 2023, and this year's guests blew them away.  So I thought you might enjoy links to some of the best of 2023.Enjoy! Unfair Advantage - Investing in Sales Talent in Tough...

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