Characteristics of Mentally Tough Leaders
The difference between leaders who are a victim or leaders who conquer comes down to one thing: mental toughness.
Do you have the characteristics of a mentally tough leader?
• They refuse to be beaten – regardless. Some people call them scrappy. You just can’t control them.
• They make adjustments. They can evaluate a situation from multiple angles and make corrections. They recover from mistakes.
• They find a way or they make a way – whatever it takes. They are never defeated.
• They refuse to settle and they loath mediocrity.
• They don’t accept what people say and they live outside the box.
• They guard, control, and dictate their thoughts.
• They are assertive. They are not passive. They don’t wait for things to come to them and they are not defined by their circumstances. They don’t make excuses, they take ownership and they take care of business.
• They run their own race. They don’t watch other people run theirs and they don’t live vicariously through other people. They view failure as a temporary set back, not their destination of defeat.
• They are not held back by fear but fear drives them to push harder.
• They bounce back. They don’t define themselves by a failure. They get up and go ahead.
Check yourself against these Leadership Benchmarks. How do you measure up and what areas do you want to work on?