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Author: Genesis

It's time to take another look at our processes - to lower staff friction and do more without adding staff. If you're facing today's stark staffing realities, you know how important efficiency and standardizing processes are to your consistency despite staffing uncertainties. Consider rethinking these 5 areas to make for a better (and leaner) staff experience. Streamline processes and automate workflows (pre and post-sale) Organize information and data for...

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So how do you capture the attention of your audience?  It's not easy, but here are some tactics that work better than plain old marketing: In today's bombardment of marketing, messages, dings, and alarms, it's becoming harder and harder to get people's attention - much less read content. VIDEO - there are actually different variations of video. Talking head - a person talking to you.  Imagine getting a...

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Big box CRMs have an attractive lure…I get it.  After all, as the saying goes, "nobody got fired for going with IBM" right?….or do they?Before you take the plunge and buy the hype of the big box CRM‘s, there are a few things you want to consider: Big box CRMs are built for the masses – not your industry.So important nuances such as family relationships, move-in...

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