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Author: Genesis

Even careful senior living providers can sometimes end up with an ill-fitting “CRM” solution. Maybe they fall prey to slick sales presentations that “wow with smoke and mirrors” or don’t look closely enough at details that surface after the ink is dry. Or perhaps they don’t talk to current clients about the hidden “gotchas”. But popularity doesn’t guarantee client satisfaction or client success. Senior living providers...

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COVID has had a significant impact on Senior Living. Unfortunately, no industry has felt the devastating effects of this virus from as many sides as senior living. The challenge is to track and understand exactly what the impact has been in your sales and marketing efforts. Fortunately, we've worked with our clients to develop a COVID tracking module to help you track and understand the...

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“Marketing” The very word strikes apprehension in the heart of many leaders and owners.  You might as well say “black hole”, “waste of money”, “phoo-phoo designers” or “voodoo magic”.  But the super-natural power of marketing to influence opinions, sway decisions and move the masses can never be overstated. Don’t believe me?  Watch political conventions, or go to the Coca Cola museum in Atlanta (one big, ingenious marketing...

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WOW…what a crazy few months! The world has gone mad with virus, doomsday, and economic collapse. Granted, it's not over yet. But since we can't change the world, it's time to look at what we can do - and that is look forward to the next stage. Simply doing nothing is a mistake that will be very costly down the road. At Advantage Anywhere, we are here...

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These last crazy weeks have been nothing less then a nightmare – literally. I can’t count how many people told me that they woke up every morning thinking it was a dream. Unfortunately, we all came to realize that this is our new reality. Everything that we took for granted has been shaken and even questioned. Life as we know it has been disrupted completely....

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