Why Senior Living Providers Prefer Advantage Anywhere
There are a lot of options in senior living, but even more reasons senior living providers prefer Advantage Anywhere.
Senior living providers have a lot of options when it comes to senior living sales and marketing. It seems as if there are a variety of solutions for everything from lead gen, to marketing automation, to sales tools.
The problem becomes apparent when a senior living provider tries to implement all these “cool” solutions. In addition to all the confusion caused by the myriad of options; costs and integration challenges inevitably prove to be more of an issue than they bargained for.
Add to that the fact that most tools and software only get used to 20% of their true capabilities due to lack of time, knowledge and day to day needs of the users. So senior living providers find themselves paying for 100% of tools that are used 20% to their capabilities and result in unwanted integration challenges.
Advantage Anywhere hails as the industry’s only end-to-end lead gen, marketing, and sales platform that incorporates everything senior living providers need under a single login.
“We have successfully incorporated 80% of the 3rd party tools into Advantage Anywhere so our clients can have every advantage at growing top line revenue and ultimately be cost effective at lowering their cost of doing business,” says Mona Hilton, CEO of Advantage Anywhere.
Some of the tools include video email, chat, online self-assessments, marketing automation, sales advancement automation, voice dictation, appointment schedulers, and many more. Clients can choose any or all of the tools in their customized Advantage Anywhere platform.
You can learn more at AdvantageAnywhere.com or request an Executive Strategy Session.
Learn more at AdvantageAnywhere.com or request a complimentary Executive Strategy Session.
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