A new kind of disruption. What now?
These last crazy weeks have been nothing less then a nightmare – literally. I can’t count how many people told me that they woke up every morning thinking it was a dream. Unfortunately, we all came to realize that this is our new reality. Everything that we took for granted has been shaken and even questioned. Life as we know it has been disrupted completely.
I’ve spoken before on the power of disruption in marketing. You can watch a previous webinar on the topic. But this is a new type of disruption of everything we know about life and business.
As we look through life through a different, new lens. It seems to me that the old normal will not be sufficient or even desirable moving forward.
I don’t want to go back to the old normal. I don’t want to be so busy day after day and year after year that I don’t even notice that life is passing me by. I don’t want to do things the way we have always done things. That is no longer good enough for me.
In some divine way, this major upheaval of our lives (that has literally affected the entire globe) has caused us to reevaluate our priorities and even our way of life.
I’m coming to see it as the gift that it really is.
When you’re playing an online game and your character is fighting for their life, at some point they die. It’s game over for your character and you get to start over fresh.
In some respects, we have been given a “do over“.
We have been given a fresh new start – this time with a hindsight perspective. What do you want to do different in this “do over”?
What now? Fortunes will be made and lives will be destroyed in the upcoming months and years.
What do you want to do with this second chance? What do you want to change in the new normal? It’s a new day and a new opportunity for us all.
Scripture says, “His mercies are new every morning“.
We have all experienced the ultimate disruption. We get to choose what happens now and what we want the new normal to look like. It’s called free will.
Choose wisely.